One of the first fake photoshop catches ever, including Belgium's Skup in 1997
Our MC#20 author Sebastian Schmidt recently wrote an article about fake captures in the German quality mag Carp in Focus.
When we read that one, our eyes kept staring at a catch from 1997, Belgium's most famous common carp Skup in the hands of living legend Ronny De Groote, but also held of some German angler who had clearly copied the fish almost one-to-one, Ronny's hands included. Only the pelvic fin seems to be different. The German guy claimed it to be a German capture too. A friend of Sebastian discovered it was a hoax.
In Germany, this news is apparently common knowledge, but it was the first we heard of it at our editorial office. When we asked Ronny himself about it, Ronny being Ronny had a proper loud laugh.
Just a funny fact :-)