Thanks for joining us yesterday @KWO In Action Day 2022
Thx for joining us on KWO’s In Action Day yesterday, we had a blast. Met a lot of new faces, or finally put a real life face to a name, had some very good and inspiring chats with likeminded people, lots of new ideas, good food, nice weather, everything was perfect.

The drive was long and this time I came prepared lol :-)

After 3,5 long boring hours on the road I met up with Sam(uel) and Phil at the Koperen Plas. First line of cars we saw were these :-)

After a good night's sleep in the van, the day could keep off.

Slow first hour for us really but then it went mental. Didn't take any more pictures really because it was so busy for me but got this one from a proud dad who ordered some custom stuff.

Special thanks to everyone who picked something up from our merch booth and keeps supporting us, to KWO themselves and to our four roadies for helping MC out this time again.
See you next year!