Harvest! Ying & Yang aka Fizz & Harvest. No proper Northern recipe without Autumn Harvest. Quite an ancient, proper Forgotten Flavour, which was tested quite extensively by Shaun Jarvis, one of the old Dream Team field testers.Shaun told me; Nouvelle Fizz & Autumn Harvest worked amazingly well independently. Fizz throughout the year but Harvest especially effective in the colder months. Years before it was discovered on Redesmere I was already on this combination. (Fizz & Harvest) Little did I know then what a cult following those attractors would have, like their inventor they became legendary. I caught the first couple fish on it from the elusive Lamas Wood where they literally took the place apart.
Therefore, Gio from Monkey Climber and Dieter from Forgotten Flavours have been working at bringing back a specific flavour range with only the most popular and best attractors which just aren't available anymore.