Secret Stash Hookbait Juices I Exclusive Blends green bottles 50 ml

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The popularity of our hookbaits and Secret Stash hookbait juices and flavours is truly fantastic these days. As a good Slovakian shop we work with asked for Wacfa pop up blend to become available in 50ml bottles, and they also wanted a custom Strawberry Bergamot blend, we've decided do drop the leftovers of these limited edition specials on here in green bottles. In fact, all blends - like our very popular Noddy Blend - will come in green bottles now. 

Always shake well before use!

Here's a the first few of this new range:
  • WACFA: Already existing as a very good catching pop up in our range, we now made the blend we use for these available in 50ml bottles. We've mixed up the best Banana flavour we could find these days (thx Forgotten Flavours!), a Banana Oil Palatant like in the good old Nash days & a few citric type flavours for this one.
  • Strawberry Bergamot: A 80/90s classic made famous by Nutrabaits and by writers such as Tim Paisley and Ken Townley. We've meticulously mixed up Forgotten Flavours Strawberry flavour with a Strawberry Oil Palatant like in the good old Nash days and Bergamot essential oil. Killer combo! Some people also swear by combining this even further with either our Ester Cream or the Evaporated Milk & Ice Cream out of the Underground Range.
  • Noddy Blend: When interviewing Rod Hutchinson himself in 2012 ago this blend he told us is the best thing ever, a winning combination of his three best flavours ever. Very different and strong, loving it!
  • Tarantula: Due to popular demand from the users of our Tarantula users we've now added our secret Tarantula blend to the range. Think of an old school cajouser mixed up with liquorice and a secret sweet touch of our own.