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Open Fishery Day last weekend, we had a blast!
Last weekend's Open Fishery Day MC Syndicaat - Weedraking, Terry Edmonds Casting Clinic, Diverse standen was a total blast. Thanks to all the people turning up, the brands for their impressive set ups, all the helpers, close friends, etc. who made this possible. We love you. Pics by our good friends over at Forgotten Flavours. Vereniging van Belgische Karpervissers vzw Embryo Angling Habitats Benelux
Send your submissions for MC x CARPology SS02.EP03 On The Wall print collab now
After the success of the previous six seasonal instalments we are now working hard on a new round of MC x CARPology's On The Wall print collab. Please send your submissions for the third instalment of this year asap on We are closing off at the end of this month. Remember, the winner receives a one off OTW shirt in his/her size! Find some inspiration in OTW SS02.EP02 below:
Nash Titan range - Three decades deep
We've been using Nash Titans on and off since our young years, as you can see here in the late heydays of La Maxe. Nash released the first version of the Titan in '91 and made them to perfection since then. Currently there's five models on the market: the T1/T2 in standard green and the T1/ T2 Pro/ Camo Pro in Nashy's iconic new camou. All are now available in Benelux shops.
20 hand numbered Ltd. Ed. Blue Bottle Ultra Spice also dropping this Sunday
Thanks to the popularity of our hookbaits and Secret Stash hookbait juices and flavours we will try do drop some limited edition specials from time to time. These limited editions come in sick blue bottles. Ultra Spice: Very popular 80s flavour, we could score a litre of a mega version of this flavour but couldn't get more as our source dried up. That's why we decided to drop 20 bottles of these. 2024 cru, handnumbered 1 to 20. Dropping Sunday Aug 6th 7pm Euro Time - 6pm UK Time.
Mk.2 MC x Geert Ooms Stainless Steel bobbins dropping this Sunday
DROPPING SUNDAY AUG 6th 7pm Euro TIME - 6pm UK TIME - ONLY 100 PIECES IN STOCK For a long time we wanted to do these stainless steel hangers of our own and it was Belgian legend Geert Ooms who helped us out two or maybe three years ago with the right bits and contacts! This was a limited run only, selling out in a jiffy. Weighing 58gr per piece, ideal for long range fishing and big currents on the canals and river systems. Highly wanted by collectors too. FYI: The main pic here shows the Mk.1 version which is sold out. Since then Geert...