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We're taking some fishing time off from today on and won't be shipping out until late next week. All orders until today are out though. It's still possible to order from the site whilst we're not shipping out. All orders made during this time will receive a bunch of extra stickers, orders over 75 euros (shipping excluded) will receive a free tub of Forgotten Flavours or DT Baits pop ups of our choice on top!

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Monkey Climber x Embryo Benelux x VBK Brugge slaan de handen in elkaar voor een infodag rond watermanagement en meer specifiek met demo's Weedraking. Voorts is er een Casting Clinic met niemand minder dan verwerplegende Terry Edmonds (UK) en zijn er diverse info-, demo- en kleine verkoopsstandjes van bevriende merken. Drank- en eetstand en 's avonds gezellig kampvuurtje met carpy verhaaltjes. Binnenkort kondigen we alles gedetailleerder aan, samen met alle verdere nodige info. Ticket kost 5 euro, we doen dit puur om een zicht te hebben op de hoeveelheid geïnteresseerden in verband met drank & eten. In ruil voor je inkomstticket krijg je...

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Salon Karpiowy Massive Baits will have a first big delivery of Monkey Climber for all our Polish followers in the next few days/week. Think of shirts, hoodies, headwear, pop ups, hookbait liquids, etc. Big ups Poland! Save shipping costs and buy from them.

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We've just put a prepayment system online for those who are keen to secure one of our second and final run MC x Forge Tackle flecktarn brollies.

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Our buddy Nicolas Vlietinck grew local offspring (top) into a fully (middle) we thought a little too small to stock on the big pit tbh. After 1,5 years not seen it got caught yesterday (bottom) and loving the transformation already. Wonder how this one will look in a couple of years. #monkeyclimber #monkeyclimbermagazine #expectnothing

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