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Monkey Climber x KWO surprised friend an foe last week, and we sincerely believe the For The Future project KWO set up a couple of years is essential for the future of carp fishing in the Benelux. So we've designed a sick shirt to be sold at this week's KWO in Action Day. Limited edition only, coming in Desert Dust and Olive, sizes S-XXL. All profits going to the For The Future project, stocking carp and investing in other sustainable projects in the Benelux.  Preorders already up on the website, click here. OVERVIEW OF MONEY WE HELPED RAISING FOR DIFFERENT CAUSES There's quite a...

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David Rosemeier recounts: "As so often, our fishing tells the most incredible stories.... Already during my drive south, the thought of this particular fish haunted my mind. But when I arrived at the river, accompanied by rain and more rain, the sobering realisation immediately followed: high tide, nothing to see in the murky depths - especially not the big, dead tree, whose branches stretched through the course of the river like gnarled fingers. I decided to just bait up for now, to come back later, that is, to cross the narrow, rocky road back with the Sprinter. Sensation ahead! 🚐On...

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Monkey Climber is op 4 juni ook aanwezig op de KWO In Action Day, met een selectie magazines & merch + een heel vet collab shirt ten voordele van het For The Future Project. Het ontwerp hiervan zullen we binnenkort delen met jullie. Wil je dat we iets specifieks meebrengen? Laat het ons weten op  Tickets voor deze dag kan je hier al bestellen:

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Samples samples samples. Working hard on new bits for a shoot soon. Here’s new MONK font shirts with Flecktarn and Tiger Camou prints we like a lot at MC HQ!

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News just reached us that Bert Vanherk caught the Mohican, Belgium's biggest, this morning and we got permission to publish it. Instead of reporting - let alone asking the happy angler - its weight and other details, we just stood in awe with the way the fish looks again.  Last year, couple of critics online had their two cents about this fish looking bad etc, being caught too often, etc, the usual negative bs. Well, look again now! Being old as the hills, fished for by the creme de la creme, the Mohican remains a dream for many including yours truly. Smiles all...

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