1K extra for KWO's For The Future project!

1K extra for KWO's For The Future project!

Monkey Climber and KWO surprised friend and foe earlier this year by collabing with this sick shirt. All profits going to their fantastic For The Future project, stocking carp in the whole of Benelux. Recently KWO announced this year they will have a budget of 20.000 euros, together we could now add 1k more from the profits after all costs from these shirts.

Still a few shirts available in the KWO and Monkey Climber shop: https://monkeyclimbermagazine.com/forthefutureshirt



There's quite a few over the past decade which we never really recorded, so from now on we would like to do so on here with every charity blog post we do:

1.000 euros for KWO's For The Future stocking project (2023)

350 euros for Vissen voor Louise (2023)

525 GBP for Down Syndrome Association (2023)

1.100 GBP for Mikey's Wish (2023)

Unknown total amount for FODCAC (2022)

3.260 GBP for Phyillis Tuckwell hospice (2021-22)

970 GBP for Breast Cancer Research (2021)

4.000 GBP for Mikey's Wish (2021)

1.800 GBP for Lucy's Bowl (2021)

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