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MC x collab bobbins dropping tonight 8pm!
Goodnight people, hope you are well! Here's one we've kept silent for a long while... Check our socials at 8pm UK time, pm Euro time tonight! More info will be on our Facebook and Instagram.
Crustazia, DT's first new bait range in a decade
Keen Monkey Climber followers will have noticed we did a collab with DT Baits for Carp Den Bosch recently. DT being one of our fav old school bait companies now setting foot on European soil again. On the backcover of our latest mag & at Carp Den Bosch DT Baits announced the launch of their new Crustazia range, their first new bait in over ten years. Here's what DT owner Fenton has to say when we asked for more details: "Nestled in amongst some of Essex's fine carp waters, lies a factory that houses a company grown from the essence...
Couple of Print Is Not Dead slideshow pics and reactions
Still blown away about your massive presence and reactions to my Print Is Not Dead slideshow over at Hengelsport Lisarde tackle shop recently. Over 100 people attending, you guys rule! A night that never can be redone. Thx for being my sidekick too @frederikboterberg. #monkeyclimber #monkeyclimbermagazine #printisnotdead
Always be kind...
DUTCH/FLEMISH ONLY (sorry) Ik hou van onnozele WhatsApp groepjes, beetje vermaak tussen het werken door, maar als er dan een serieus bericht als dit tussenkomt... makes it all worthwhile! Slechts heel af en toe is er eens een productiefoutje of klein vlekje/gaatje/whatever aan onze Monkey Climber kledij waardoor het onverkoopbaar is. Of klanten die een verkeerde maat bestelden maar hun originele stukken gewassen terugsturen… onverkoopbaar. Via Maxiem Desmidt vooral en Thomas Maes ook kwamen die in recente jaren terecht bij kwetsbare jongeren die niks met karpervissen te maken hebben. Een van die kids zit nu blijkbaar bij meester...
Inside story: There wasn't one, so we created one!
Last Friday I gave a slideshow at Hengelsport Lisarde and it amazed people that Monkey Climber magazine and everything around all started without a plan, and certainly no business plan. It all grew organically and twelve years later it still does. The dummy MC#00 you see on this pic was a suprise gift by my missus Eve back then in 2010. Coming from a skate/surf/hardcore/punk background herself we had already discussed the idea of doing a carpy zine together and definitely not have a name with 'carp' in it. Monkey Climber sprung to my mind as it was the very...