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The story behind our MC#7 cover now online! (Dutch only)
Last weekend at Carp Den Bosch we met up with Luc De Baets on our stand, who was on our seventh cover with this iconic Seine/Yonne shot from the 80s. In a Fox series called Kippenvelmomenten Luc now explains the full capture of this fish for the first time. For those of you who understand Dutch, enjoy!
Thanks for Carp Den Bosch 2023 & main FAQ's regarding our eyecatching Flecktarn Brolly
Thanks for a fantastic CARP DEN BOSCH people! Your support, love, inspiration means the world to us. Special thanks goes to our friends helping on the stand, legends! The eyecatcher on our stand definitely was my personal sample Forge Tackle x Monkey Climber Flecktarn brolly, which wasn’t for sale at the show though. For a long time a wanted an old school type of oval brolly but in German flecktarn as I love this camou pattern so much and Enrico from Forge helped us massively with this one really. During and now after the show we got so many...
Slideshows at Carp Den Bosch this week
At Carp Den Bosch 2023 there will be talks, slide shows and videos in the Carp Den Bosch Theatre each day. These will be held by professional and popular anglers and will cover a variety of different aspects of carp fishing. Wondering which lectures you can expect? Find them here. Our friend Willem sent us this info on the shows he is giving or participating in:
It never rains, it pours. Issue #21 out now!
Our newest MC#21 started dropping with subscribers this morning, so here's a little preview already of a rather special issue in terms of content. Cover this time is by the hands of our friend Chris Unbereit from Germany. Kicking of with a unparalleled Alps sesh with my buddy Yves, detailing a trip full of special character carp in the scorching heat between the mountains and right next to a gangster rap drug lord prison. The guys from the prison were even shouting when we boated our rigs out! Next up it's time for a column by the hand of Frederik...
Spartan Boats visit MC Syndicate
Last weekend we had a long overdue meet up with the Dutch guys from Spartan Boats, a fairly new and young quality player on the market. Although living 2,5 hours away, we invited the guys for a short overnighter on the Monkey Climber syndicate. The lake never had a Winter form, especially not a January form with only three Jan captures in the past decade. Members had seen fish jumping and rolling over the pas two weeks though, but now the weather had starting to change. It was blowing a hoolie, very chilly winds too with lots of icy rain as...