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Carp Den Bosch next week Jan 20-22: visit us on stand 205
We're fully preparing next week's show here, bringing loads of new stuff including the new mag MC#21, bobbins, DT Bait Developments & Forgotten Flavours collab pop ups, clothing, etc. Are you coming to the show? Let us know by clicking on our Facebook post below!Answer this in the comments:1) Are you coming to Carp Den Bosch? Which day?2) What city/country are you from?3) What Monkey Climber products are on your wishlist?See you next week!X
MC x Lisarde "Print Is Not Dead" night Friday Jan. 27th, 2023
Happy New Year carp anglers!Op vrijdag 27 januari slaan Hengelsport Lisarde & Monkey Climber de handen in elkaar. We organiseren een lezing slash nieuwsjaarsdrink slash presentatie nieuwe producten (collab kledij, nieuwe magazine, enz.). Start om 17.00 h Presentatie door Gio Vanhooren om 19.00 h, getiteld Print is not dead! Gio wordt in VBK-podcaststijl geïnterviewd door Frederik Boterberg over het ontstaan van Monkey Climber, over het nieuwe magazine MC#21 en over een grandioze Alpentrip en nog veel meer leuks. FREE Drinks & Bites (bbq) by Hengelsport Lisarde. Om een idee te hebben van het aantal aanwezigen dient men wel vooraf GRATIS...
New Monkey Heads to be released @carpdenbosch
We'll bring a good number of these new Monkey Climber bobbin heads, both ideal for hanger and swinger style indicating, to the Carp Den Bosch show. We're not going to have them earlier in the shop as we want to save our stock for the show. Also we cannot reserve any as from past experience we just know a reservation system is undoable for us at a busy show like Den Bosch, sorry. #monkeyclimber#monkeyclimbermagazine#madeinaustria
Monkey Climber x DT Baits collab pop ups @carpdenbosch
DT Baits, on of our fav bait brands when growing up as a carp angler in the 90s, is back on the Continent and will attend Carp Den Bosch this year. The OG old school bait brand is releasing a new, exciting bait - the first full range in a decade for DT - which will be presented at the show and also on the backcover of our upcoming mag. Monkey Climber is more than pleased to announce an exclusive pop up collab with DT for the show as well, based on a combo Gio did very well on back...
New Hutchy charity collab dropping tomorrow Jan 4, 6pm Euro time
Most of you will probably remember the charity collab Forgotten Flavours and Monkey Climber did on the Hutchy Appreciation Page on Facebook? When the boys broke the internet and sold those original (Rod's personal stash) Scopex and Monstercrab glass bottles purely to raise money? Salim from Dope over in Belgium was so touched by the gesture they made for a charity that supports Ethan, grandson of Rod and son of our beloved Yas. So Salim thought it would be a cool idea to team up with Gio and Dieter for another crazy charity collab. And so the oldscool Belgium...