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5 questions for @gotmehooked! Here we go! We invited her to the MC syndicate so it some point we will be doing a bigger interview! 1) In issue 19 of Monkey Climber Flanx surprised friend and foe with their advert showing only pics of @gotmehook.ed on Insta, one of its team anglers. Surely, you got a lot of us immediately hooked :-) Can you present yourself briefly please? "The pun hits the nail on the head as we say over here in Germany ;) My name is Kassandra, I'm 24 years old, I currently live in Germany in my caravan (on...

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Our newest MC#20 started dropping with subscribers this weekend, so here's a little preview already of a rather special milestone issue. Twenty issues strong also means a decade of MC... The cover this time is a tribute to local angler Vistje who passed away on Boxing Day last year, holding a massive 30.6 kilos local nature reserve fish known as Knobbel back in 2006. His story never been documented, we were allowed to visit him in the last months of his life. Cover is made proper hardcore punk zine style, with a xerox effect (check zine culture on socials or...

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After the success of the second instalment we are now working hard on a new round of MC x CARPology's On The Wall print collab. Please send your submissions for the third instalment asap on  Remember, the winner receives a one off OTW shirt in his/her size! Last time round this was Elyse Lahousse. Find some inspiration in OTW#2 below:

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Onze sidekick en geheel vrijwillig proeflezer slash gastauteur en -interviewer Philip Dupont heeft afgelopen winter niet stilgezeten. Volledig in eigen beheer heeft ie zijn levensverhaal in twee turven op papier gezet onder de noemer Chasing Rainbows 1 & 2. In totaal goed voor 3,7 kilogram leesplezier doorspekt met historie (Gavers, Nekker, Bergelen, Vijverhof,...), nostalgie, taalvaardigheid en humor. In beperkte uitgave uitgebracht, alle opbrengst gaat bovendien naar de opvang van dieren in nood. De boeken zijn te bestellen bij Philip Dupont himself door voor de twee delen 59 euro + 7,5 euro port BE / 7,95 euro port NL te storten...

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Our MC#20 author Sebastian Schmidt recently wrote an article about fake captures in the German quality mag Carp in Focus. When we read that one, our eyes kept staring at a catch from 1997, Belgium's most famous common carp Skup in the hands of living legend Ronny De Groote, but also held of some German angler who had clearly copied the fish almost one-to-one, Ronny's hands included. Only the pelvic fin seems to be different. The German guy claimed it to be a German capture too. A friend of Sebastian discovered it was a hoax.In Germany, this news is apparently common knowledge, but...

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