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Our newest MC#19 started dropping with subscribers today, so here's a little preview of yet another killer issue. On the cover we have this mega mega image by underwater photographer Frank Doll @unterwasserfrank, followed by a sweet piece regarding his diving life where we walk the thin line between irony and reality of divers versus anglers. Next up is cool kid Gabriel Blatterspiel @_cityforce with an English column titled Choose Carp about Urban Carping - Trainspotting style. A must read. We also have JP Wix @jpwix in true Scarface style, then @johnnyhaars_carpangler calling the underground about Belgium's biggest commons &...

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This past year ulcer disease with carp spread like a fire through our region. It probably all started at a well known local canal stretch, contaminating other, mostly private places and syndicates through birdlife and probably carp angler's carp care items like nets, mats, slings, etc. Personally I am the only one who fished the canal at the same time as our own Monkey Climber syndicate and though being careful (letting nets nets, etc. fully dry out, treat with salt, etc.) unfortunately we had an outbreak of ulcer disease too. Most of the fish in the early Spring were infected,...

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Carp fishing on the historical Woolpack fishery with Oli Davies! 🎣 After a frustratingly wet and weary winter, Oli decided it was time to get stuck into his campaign on the Woolpack fishery. We think you'll agree with us in saying that the results were nothing short of phenomenal! 😳🐋 

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On March 12th, 2022 we're throwing a true Eurobanx party in Ghent, Belgium with dj's Alan Blair, Oli Davies, Reedy, DJ Fine, Nas-T & friends. The party of your lifetime, not to be missed! Limited capacity. Venue to be confirmed asap, after which ticket sales will start.  Keep an eye on our social media platforms for more info and join this event page on Facebook:

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In de nooit eindigende zoektocht naar perfectie heeft Shimano de toekomst van ultra longcast molens opnieuw gevormd en voor het eerst een radicaal nieuw spoelontwerp gecombineerd met zijn wereldberoemde Super Slow 10 Oscillation. De nieuwe Long Stroke Spool is 45 mm lang en vergroot het oppervlak van de spoel aanzienlijk (+ 30%), in vergelijking met eerdere modellen. Ultra longrange molen versterkt Shimano's wereldberoemde reputatie De eerste keer dat Shimano's Long Stroke Spool ontwerp wordt gecombineerd met Super Slow 10 oscillatie Vissers profiteren van nieuwe mogelijkheden op gebied van werppotentieel   De nieuwe Aero Technium Magnesium is de nieuwe toonaangevende, superslanke en...

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