Another £450 raised for charity at SWS Fisheries
Just got this email in, which makes us proud AF:
Dear Gio,
On behalf of the SWS Team and The Men’s Mind Project, we wanted to say a personal thank you for kindly donating to our charity raffle for The Match’24.
With your help, we managed to raise a phenomenal amount of money, totalling over £12,500! This is up by 43% on last year’s amount, which we couldn’t have achieved without your support.
Last year, we raised just shy of £9,000, which has funded various projects for The Men’s Mind Project and enabled the group to fund 116 hours of counselling.
We aim to come back even bigger and better next year, raising more money and important awareness surrounding men’s mental health.
Once again, a huge thank you for your continued support.
Very best wishes,
Aidan Setford & Matt Craig
SWS Fisheries Limited
There's quite a few over the past decade which we never really recorded, so from now (mid 2021) on we would like to do so on here with every charity blog post we do:
£450 out of total of £12.500 for The Men's Mind Project (2024)
£750 for Laura's treatment and family (2024)
Unknown amount yet we helped raising for Phoenix Heroes (2024)
£850 from Lewis Smith auction for KIMA / Carp College (2024)
Down for Fishing Sjors shirts with Willem Kwinten, 2500 euros plus (2024)
Help in raising £2494.04 for A Bite Out Of Cancer (2023)
£1100 for Kids In Mind Angling (2023)
£600 out of a £8,735.00 total raised for The Men's Mind Project (2023)
1.000 euros for KWO's For The Future stocking project (2023)
350 euros for Vissen voor Louise (2023)
525 GBP for Down Syndrome Association (2023)
1.100 GBP for Mikey's Wish (2023)
Unknown total amount for FODCAC (2022)
3.260 GBP for Phyillis Tuckwell hospice (2021-22)
970 GBP for Breast Cancer Research (2021)
4.000 GBP for Mikey's Wish (2021)
1.800 GBP for Lucy's Bowl (2021)